
See all incidents for Northwest Airlines

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Northwest Airlines
Incident Date: Dec 12, 2006
Report Date: February 2007
Incident Type: Loss
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: Not reported
Flight Number: NE 485
Originating Airport: SEA (Seattle-Tacoma Intl)
Destination Airport: MEM (Memphis Intl)
Reporting Airport: MEM (Memphis Intl)


Type: Loss Date of Incident: December 12, 2006 Location: MEM Routing: NW 158 SEA-MSP NW 458 MSP-MEM AWB: 012 SEA 60525076 Description of Animal: Dog, named “Bailey” Description of Incident: The dog arrived at Memphis after an uneventful flight and was signed-off and released to the customer at Northwest’s cargo facility. The customer wanted to place a leash on the dog, but the dog’s collar was lying in the bottom of the kennel. The dog escaped when the Northwest agent opened the kennel door to allow the consignee to place the collar on the dog. An extensive search was conducted by Northwest and airport officials and a reward was offered. The dog remained at large until found by a local good Samaritan on January 7, 2007. Cause of the Incident: The dog escaped after the kennel door was opened by a Northwest agent assisting the customer. Corrective Action Taken: Reminded all personnel accepting and handling live animals of Northwest’s existing policy that kennel doors are not to be opened except when necessary to comply with existing regulations.

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