Pet Airways - Pet Information
Does the airline allow pets: Yes
Pet Airways is a pet-only airline that ships all pets in the main cabin of the aircraft.
Does the airline allow pets as carry-on: Yes
All pets are transported in the cabin of the plane.
Does the airline allow pets as baggage: No
At Pet Airways, all pets are transported in the cabin of the plane.
Does the airline allow pets as cargo: No
At Pet Airways, all pets are transported in the cabin of the plane.
Does the airline have an embargo: No
There are no embargo dates.
Embargo dates: N/A
Kennel / Pet Carrier Information
No further information available
Documentation Requirements
No further information available
Pet Airways operates a pet-only aircraft, so you will need to make other arrangements for yourself.
No further information available
Airline Fees
Fairs for your pet start at $149.00 each way.
Pet Airways - Web Links
Pet Airways - Contact Numbers
- (888) 738-2479 - Main
Last updated: September 17, 2024 03:36