Catie Copley

Fairmont Copley Plaza
At PetFlight we focus on taking your pet with you when you travel, but what happens when you have to leave your pet at home? On a recent business trip to Boston, Massachusetts I had the pleasure of staying at the Fairmont Copley Plaza where they offer a unique program for those that miss their dogs.
Canine Ambassador Program
Catie Copley, a five-year old black Labrador retriever originally trained as a guide dog serves as a Canine Ambassador. Catie accompanies guests on walks or runs, greets guests, and visits during meeting breaks upon request. She is also a community liaison with participation in several neighborhood and charitable events. She spends her days at the hotel and goes home at night with one of the employees.
Catie returning from a walk in the park.
Meeting Catie
After checking in, I went over to the concierge desk to see Catie, a beautiful black lab, resting on her bed. She was watching all the people come and go but rolled over for me to rub her tummy. Though she seemed to enjoy it, I later found out that she really loves having the spot behind each ear scratched.
Catie has a cozy bed to sleep in and a stuffed lobster as a toy (she is in Boston). She also has a never ending supply of people to give her a rub or have their picture taken with her.
Later that evening when I returned from dinner, I saw Catie stretched out on the floor watching for something. I spoke a few words to her and when I asked "do you get to go home?" she picked her head up and looked right at me. I guess even when your work is filled with all the attention you could want its still nice to go home.
Catie ready to go home after a hard day at work.
Catie is also the subject of two children's books. The first "Catie Copley" is about her life in the hotel and how she saves the day for a child who loses his stuffed bear. The second book "Catie Copley's Great Escape
" is about Catie's first vacation where she meets some new dog friends. If you have children, I recommend checking them out.
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