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Pet Travel Incident Details
Report Details
Date 1/6/10 SkyWest Flight Number 4543 Time of Incident 12:30p _ Reporting Manager/Supervisor Station IDA _
PetFirst (Delta Connection Only) Checked Baggage X Cabin Pet
Damage x_ Loss _____ Injury ? possible_
Complete the following information to the best of your ability. Use additional paper if needed and attach to this form.
Description of animal (include name if available):
Bella, female golden retriever, approximately 6 months old
Identification and contact information of pet’s owner(s) and/or guardian(s):
Narrative description of the incident, names of witnesses and/or SkyWest employees involved: CSR took the claim, Kennel was cracked. Debbie looked the annimal over and she appeared to be fine, She was on a leash and appeared active. Passenger/Owner was upset because he indicated the dog was shaking so agent authorized/offered for passenger to take dog to vet clinic.
Narrative description of the cause of the incident (if unknown, indicate as such): Agents discovered kennel damage on arrival into IDA. Dog may have fallen against the corner of the kennel.
Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident (if no action was taken, describe reason why): Unsure of how damage occurred however, review of loading/unloading procedures was completed with agents.Vet examination revealed no physical injury however, pet was prescribed with mild anti anxiety medication. No follow up exam required as all appeared to be fine. Pax reimbursed for new kennel and vet fees.
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