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Pet Travel Incident Details
American Airlines
Report Details
Carrier and Flight Number AA30 (LAX-JFK); Air Waybill – 001LAX28561610
Date and Time of the Incident 6/19/2010; 23:56
Description of the Animal, Including Name Male White English Bulldog – Cena; 3 years and 5 months
Narrative Description of Incident Upon arrival at JFK, the kennel was unloaded from the belly. The dog was not moving, and, upon further investigation, the Line Cargo CSM determined the dog was deceased.
Narrative Description of Cause of the Incident The animal was taken to a vet and “a full necropsy was performed. The mucous membranes were blue in color and there was a small amount of phlegm/vomitus in the oral cavity. No other abnormalities were noted. Due to the animal on presentation and the breed, the dog passed away from a brachycephalic episode. The animal suffered acute respiratory distress and passed away from sustained lack of oxygen.”
Narrative Description of any Corrective Action Taken in Response to Incident None
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