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Pet Travel Incident Details
American Airlines
Report Details
Carrier and Flight Number American Airlines Flight #917
Date and Time of the Incident 03 June 2010
Description of the Animal, Including Name English Bulldog, MAX
Narrative Description of Incident Ramp personnel were off-loading the kennel at Lima, Peru and discovered that the puppy was deceased. The puppy was released to airport officials (SENSA) for the necropsy. The results of the necropsy concluded that the dog passed away of congestive heart failure. The owner indicated that she used a tranquilizer on the pet and was not able to provide the name or the dose given to the dog.
Narrative Description of Cause of the Incident A possible overdose of the “unknown” tranquilizer may have contributed to the congestive heart failure.
Narrative Description of any Corrective Action Taken in Response to Incident No corrective action is necessary.
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