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Pet Travel Incident Details
Report Details
Cargo Incident Report
Type: Death
Date of Incident: April 1, 2011
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Routing: Atlanta, GA (ATL) – Dublin, Ireland (DUB) - Flight 176
AWB: 006-29501393
Description of Animal: 8yr old male, domesticated short hair feline, weighing apprx 30.2lbs, named “Smokey”
Description of Incident: Smokey was accepted for transport on DL176 at approximately 1735 on the evening of March 31, 2011 at the ATL Cargo facility. All documents were reviewed and Smokey was processed in accordance with Delta’s live animal acceptance procedures. Flight 176 departed ATL on-time at 2127. At the time of departure, the local temperature in ATL was 46ºF. DL176 arrived DUB thirty (30) minutes ahead of schedule at 0957 on the morning of April 1st. The local temperature in Ireland was 55F. As agents unloaded the aircraft, it was reported Smokey was “curled up” and appeared to be asleep in the rear on his container. Also on the same flight was a canine, which traveled under a separate waybill. Both animals were immediately delivered to the warehouse facility, where agents discovered Smokey was lifeless.
Cause of Incident: Unknown due to the owner’s refusal to authorize a necropsy. Also on board DL176 was one canine that arrived safe and without incident.
Corrective Action Taken: None Warranted
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