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Pet Travel Incident Details
Report Details
Carrier: Delta Air Lines
Flight Number: Delta 4584
Date and Time of Incident March 1, 2012, 7 PM
Type of Incident: Injury
Description of Animal Breed: Samoyed - Frannie Age: 4 years
Description of Incident: Pet chewed through its kennel wall and escaped at its first stop in Minneapolis. The dog was checked by the owner who approved onward travel. Frannie was not aggressive. Delta provided a loaner kennel and the dog traveled on to the second stop in Portland Oregon. The dog attempted a second escape between Minneapolis and Portland. The crew unloading the pet noticed blood on loaner kennel. Alaska Airlines refused to take the animal on to the destination. The owner laid over in Portland and obtained veterinarian services for Frannie. Therapy for the pet included anesthetic dental cleaning with radiographs and necessary extractions.
Cause of Incident: Self inflicted damage to teeth and gums
Corrective Action Taken: None
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