See all incidents for Horizon Air
Pet Travel Incident Details
Horizon Air
Report Details
Carrier: Horizon Air Flight: 2490 (SEA/BLI) Date of incident: October 14, 2012 Time of incident: Approximately 6:00 P.M. PT
Narrative description of incident: Upon arrival into Bellingham, WA on flight 2490 from SEA, the ground service agents opened up the cargo pit and when they were offloading they noticed that all the bags had fallen forward onto the kennel and the top corner of the kennel had broke. The agents brought the kennel inside to the cargo customer picking up the cat and she said that there was blood all over the cat and kennel. The agents immediately called over the radio for a Supervisor who took pictures of the broken kennel and the cat’s paws.
Narrative description of the cause of the incident: We take preventative measures by training all ground service employees of proper and safe handling of animals. The airline has researched this incident have found the loading of the cargo kennel was done correctly. The cause of the damage may have been caused by turbulence which caused the shifting of the kennel.
Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: The station managers in Seattle have been made aware of this incident and have interviewed all employees involved.
The cat did go to the vet, which the airline paid for including a claim settlement.
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