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Pet Travel Incident Details
Hawaiian Air
Report Details
Date: 26MAR13 Time: 7:55 p.m. Reporting Station: HNL Flight: HA 4 From: HNL To: LAX
Animal Information: Name: Victor Description: Mixed breed male dog, 70 lbs.
While staged in the Lobby 2 bagroom for HA04, the dog chewed at the grating at the back of the corner of the kennel & ripped out a hole big enough to escape. The kennel fell off the cart, and the dog ran out of the bag room and was last seen by an employee running into the movement area from Gate 34 towards the Air Traffic Control tower.
The agent attempted to contact USDA Wildlife Division but was unable to reach them.
The agent contacted the Airport Duty Manager, and Wildlife Department, Sheriffs Department, Crash Rescue, & Securitas were all deployed to search movement areas.
HA Employees deployed to search non-movement areas.
The passengers were provided with escort badges, and searched all available areas with HA managers.
After approximately 1.5 hrs, Airport called off the active search & advised they would continue to look while on normal rounds.
Agents continued to search with the passengers for approximately 3 additional hours, but the search was unsuccessful.
The dog was found on 24APR.
Cause: Dog chewed through kennel and escaped.
Corrective action: No corrective action as the dog caused the incident. Pet fee was refunded as courtesy. USDA laid traps in the surrounding area to help catch the dog. The passengers were provided a hotel until 30MAR when they chose to return to LAX. We were in constant contact with USDA and the passengers regarding any updates. he dog was sighted several times between 30MAR and 23APR, but each time, he ran away.
The passenger decided to return to Honolulu on 23APR and with the help of his dog trainer, they found the dog on 24APR. HA will pay all expenses including the purchase of a new kennel to return them to LAX. The passenger returned to LAX on 28APR with Victor without incident.
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