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Pet Travel Incident Details
Report Details
Carrier: SkyWest Airlines Flight Number: 7389 Date & Time of Incident: 04/20/2016 Type of Incident: Death Description of Animal: Breed: Other Description of Incident: DGS agents Richard Searing and Patrick Dugan found kennel with baby piglet appearing to be asleep and breathing with eyes partially open. Owner opened kennel and thought piglet was deceased. Piglet made small snort but otherwise unresponsive. Owner rubbed piglet to stimulate blood flow and covered him with towel and warm water bottle. Owner was offered cab ride to vet but she chose to wait for her father. Piglet was observed at vet hospital and found to be hypoglycemic and suffered a couple of seizures. The piglet passed away 4/22/16. Cause of Incident: Necropsy revealed piglet had severe organ damage due to hypothermia and was also found to be hypoglycemic. Corrective Action Taken: No corrective action needed. There were no signs of injury to animal nor damage to the kennel or cargo area where kennel was stored on aircraft.
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