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Pet Travel Incident Details
American Airlines
Report Details
Carrier: American Airlines
Flight Number: 1790
Date & Time of Incident: 02/28/2023 12:00 AM
Type of Incident: Death
Description of Animal: Breed: Other
Animal Name: Rylee
Description of Incident: On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 05:01 CST, twenty puppies, contained in 10 kennels (2 per kennel) were dropped off by a representative of the shipper Legacy Pet Services at the American Airlines Cargo Terminal in Chicago, IL (ORD), for air transport under air waybill 001- 73032245. All were scheduled to travel to San Juan, PR (SJU), via connection in Miami, FL (MIA) on flights AA2507/28-Feb ORD-MIA (ETD 07:00 eta 10:56) and AA1790/28-Feb MIA-SJU (ETD 12:15 eta 15:58). The animals traveled on all scheduled flights, were offloaded from the aircraft upon arrival at San Juan, PR (SJU) and taken to the Cargo Terminal to await recovery by the consignee. Notification of arrival to the consignee was completed at 16:36 AST, however the consignee did not arrive until 21:04 AST (4.5 hours after notification). It was during the delivery process that it was identified one of the mini golden doodle puppies – Rylee (who was in the same kennel with another mini golden doodle, Luna) was unresponsive. Rylee, the unresponsive puppy was removed from the kennel and immediately taken to a local veterinarian for assessment, where it was determined that the puppy was deceased.
Cause of Incident: Necropsy Diagnosis: - Pulmonary Edema - Mitral valve endocardiosis
Corrective Action Taken:
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