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Pet Travel Incident Details
American Airlines
Report Details
Carrier and Flight Number American Airlines Flight 1209
Date and Time of the Incident 29OCT06 at 1559CDT
Description of the Animal, Including Name Pug (dog), 14 y/o, with the name of 'Buster'
Narrative Description of Incident Flight 1209/29OCT PBI-DFW scheduled for departure at 0915/EST incurred a 4.45 hr. delay for mechanical reasons. The aircraft's forward cargo door was opened and all the live animal cages on board were moved near the open door. Door remained open for the duration of the delay. Water was offered to all the animals on board at approximately 1130/EST. At 1401/EST the aircraft left the gate and arrived in DFW at 1559/CST. Buster was found dead on arrival in DFW.
Narrative Description of Cause of the Incident Buster was sent for autopsy. The report states "death of this animal was due to age related and environmental stress factors". A subsequent histopathology report states Buster's diagnosis as "acute to subecute diffuse pulmonary congestion with etelectasis".
Narrative Description of any Corrective Action Taken in Response to Incident None, as the autopsy/histopathology report suggests death was due to age related causes and illness.
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