See all incidents for Alaska Airlines
Pet Travel Incident Details
Alaska Airlines
Report Details
Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 715 Date of incident: 4/28/07 Time of incident: Approx. 4:45p PT
Description of animal (including name): Small Poodle Dog (named Buddy)
Narrative description of incident: (in flight passing) A pet dog traveling in the animal hold escaped from a two-piece kennel and ran across Seattle ramp/runways and directly into large group of blackberry bushes. The owner and her granddaughter were able to call Buddy out of the blackberry bushes within seconds, however Buddy was bleeding from at least two paws and had a possible loss of one toenail.
Narrative description of the cause of the incident: Two-piece kennel allowed pet to escape during the connection flight/transfer in Seattle, WA
Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: We have reminded Ticket counter agents to inspect two-piece kennels prior to acceptance, to ensure animal will be secure. We will also continue to suggest that owners secure kennels with zip ties to ensure that they stay in the upright position during use.
Name, title, address and telephone number of the individual filing the report on behalf of the air carrier:
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