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Pet Travel Incident Details
Alaska Airlines
Report Details
Incident 1 Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 20 (Seattle, WA to Chicago, IL) Date of incident: Saturday, December 29, 2012 Time of incident: Approximately 2:34 P.M. ET
Description of animal (including name): A dog, unknown: age, breed, or sex.
Narrative description of incident: A dog in its kennel was being delivered to the baggage claim area, the ramp agent released his hold of the kennel, and the kennel went down a slide and tipped over. Upon inspection of dog after the incident, the customer found that the dog sustained a cut to its head, which was bleeding. The customer stated that her dog was fine during her follow-up call on January 4, 2013.
Narrative description of the cause of the incident: A dog inside its kennel slid down a baggage slide and tipped over. The dog sustained a cut to its head.
Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: The Chicago Alaska Airlines Customer Service Manager was advised to review our pet handling policy with her team, to ensure this would not occur again. No photographs available
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