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Pet Travel Incident Details
Alaska Airlines
Report Details
Incident 2 Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 27 (Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Seattle, WA) Date of incident: Friday, December 28, 2012 Time of incident: Approximately 11:25 A.M. PT
Description of animal (including name): A dog, unknown: age, breed, or sex.
Narrative description of incident: Upon arrival in Seattle, WA, ramp workers noticed that a dog in its kennel arrived with its upper and lower teeth stuck on the metal mesh of the kennel door. Some blood was present around the dog’s mouth. An Alaska Airlines maintenance technician was able to cut a few of the wires of the kennel door, to free the dog’s mouth. The customer stated that they have had other situations with their dog, as it suffers from extreme separation anxiety and that they would be taking their dog to their veterinarian, to have its mouth examined.
Narrative description of the cause of the incident: A dog arrived in Seattle, WA with its mouth stuck on the metal wires of the kennel door. After cutting a few of the wires of the kennel door, the dog’s mouth was then freed. There is no evidence to suggest that the airline’s handling contributed to the animal’s injury.
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