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Pet Travel Incident Details
Report Details
Carrier: Delta Air Lines
Flight Number: 2312
Date and Time of Incident January 4, 2013, 12:33 AM
Type of Incident: Death
Description of Animal Breed: American Rabbit Age: Exact age unknown – young. Name: Ashes
Description of Incident: Two rabbits in a kennel were accepted as checked baggage in Los Angeles. The routing of Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Anchorage was changed en route to Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis, Anchorage to meet Delta equipment requirements. On arrival it was noticed that one of the rabbits had expired. The other rabbit arrived and was released to the owner in apparent good condition.
Cause of Incident: A necropsy was performed in ANC by a local veterinarian office. No external wounds or effusions were found. Stomach contained food and fluid. There were not gross changes to the internal organs to explaining the passing of Ashes. Conversations with attending vet indicated rabbits may be more susceptible to the consequences of stress.
Corrective Action Taken: While it does not appear to have been the root cause of the rabbits death, the Baggage Acceptance Agent has been coached and provided remedial training on live animal acceptance and to check the aircrafts used when rebooking is necessary.
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