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Pet Travel Incident Details
United Airlines
Report Details
INCIDENT #2: UA FLIGHT #229 BIRD 8YRS PARAKEET Washington Dulles (IAD) to San Diego (SAN) NAME: BIRDIE December 28, 2013 AWB REDACTED 10:30AM PST Owner/Guardian REDACTED NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIONescription of the Incident: Animal escaped Description of the Cause of the Incident: Two Parakeets accepted in a small plastic pet carrier at IAD. Upon aircraft arrival at SAN the carrier was empty. SAN ground personnel located and recovered one of birds from a nearby fence, however second bird remains unrecovered. Description of any corrective action taken: Review of Live Animal Regulations 40th Edition container requirement 11, 11c & 11d [applicable to this species] with local station personnel to ensure containers meet specifications in order to prevent escape.
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