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Pet Travel Incident Details
United Airlines
Report Details
INCIDENT #1: CARRIER: United Airlines Flight UA0214 DATE: November 16, 2014 ROUTING: Dallas, TX (DFW) to Houston, TX (IAH) to (17NOV) Honolulu, HI (HNL) UA AWB 016-5161-4710 Approximate Time: 11:15 CST DOG: 7YRS Breed: Labrador Retriever Name: Jake
Owner/Guardian REDACTED NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Description of the Incident: INJURY Description of the Cause of the Incident: Upon arrival at IAH it was discovered that the surface of the dog’s nose was ‘skinned’ and was bleeding. Injury appeared to be self-inflicted. Description of any corrective action taken: None required: Injury was self-inflicted. On-site kennel facility cleaned apparent wounded area. Pet continued to its final destination after a scheduled overnight stay.
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