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Pet Travel Incident Details
Alaska Airlines
Report Details
Carrier: Alaska Airlines
Flight Number: 64
Date & Time of Incident: 12/17/2018
Type of Incident: Injury
Description of Animal: Breed: Abyssinian
Animal Name: N/A
Description of Incident: On arrival into JNU on its scheduled flight from ANC, ramp agents reported a dog of unknown breed and age in a standard kennel had escaped when the grated door had separated from the kennel. This removal of the aforementioned door may have been related to a commodity shift in the same cargo compartment the animal was loaded. The agents report that the animal had small lacerations for the face and front paws that may have been associated with the animals process of exiting the kennel and further pushing through the door. Agents contacted the passenger and the dog was released to owners with no further complications.
Cause of Incident: Dog injured face and front paws during a likely attempt to exit kennel while in flight. While there is potential that a load shift could have added additional ease of removing the kennel door, there is no evidence to suggest that the airline's handling contributed to the animal's injury.
Corrective Action Taken: No corrective actions required for this incident.
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