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Pet Travel Incident Details
United Airlines
Report Details
INCIDENT #1: CARRIER: United ROUTING: Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) to Chicago, Illinois (ORD) to Kansas City, MO (MCI) DATE: June 9, 2015 UA AWB: 016-0263-6815 Approximate Time: 1:00pm CST TYPE: DOG Breed: Schnauzer-mix AGE: 3yrs Name: Unknown
Guardian REDACTED NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Description of the Incident: INJURY Description of the Cause of the Incident: Schnauzer was leashed and being walked from the pet relief area to the cargo facility. An individual in a nearby parking lot lost control of their Shepherd. The Shepherd assailed the Schnauzer. Description of any corrective action taken: Schnauzer was cleared by veterinarian to continue travel. United is reviewing route used to walk pets to minimize or prevent contact with other animals not within our control.
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